Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Morning...

This Morning is bright

The bud of longing began expand

I let the rhymes of love

Play without any distraction

Flowing over the valley of world

Cleared away on wide sky without an edge

This morning is cold

With the blowing a breezy wind

Force me take a bath with warm water

Peel of any stiff that blanket my body

This morning is quiet

The sun shinning without any meaning

Small parakeet noiselessly

Leaf and branch didn’t sing it again,,Singing a morning song

Some little angel didn’t greet me

Hissing wave hide between some coral

My morning was changing

My morning was empty

Without you I’m nothing

Although I try to find another heart

Still without you…I’m lonely….

My Impression :

This poem tells about the condition of my heart. Although morning was bright, fine and clear, but still without my love, morning is empty, quiet and cold…and I feel lonely……..

You..Symbolize of Me

Blue symbolize of calm and joyful

Red symbolize of brave and confidence

Green symbolize of fertile and cheerful

white symbolize of pure and purity

Rainbow symbolize of dream

Star symbolize of hope

Heart symbolize of love

Triangle symbolize of complicated relationship

But you...

You symbolize of me

Your eyes symbolize mine

Your nose symbolize mine

Your face symbolize mine

All of you have

Symbolize of me

Your happiness is my happiness

Your sadness is my sadness

Your dream is my dream

Your hope is my hope

That’s why people called that

You…. Symbolize of me

My Impression :

This poem is tells us about that sometimes in life, we have a certain things that symbolize of something. I put my soulmate in this poem because he is really really symbolize of me. How beautiful his love for me, so its inspires me to write this poem for him.

You're...My Inspiration

Babe…you’re my inspiration

When I’m down

You inspire me to laugh

When I get mad

You inspire me to stay calm

When I’m happy

You inspire me to enjoy life more than before

Babe…I’m glad if you were there

I’m sad if you far away

I’m relax if you stay here….by my side

Without you….

Is like I lost in the desert

Babe….now we are separated

Though our hands never touch each other

Though our eyes never look each other

Though our shoulder never get closer


Our heart always one

My heart always beat for you

My deepest heart always whispering your name…

Babe…you’re my inspiration

Don’t you ever forget about me

Don’t you ever leave me

Because without you

My life, my world was empty

Is like a canvas without any painting

Please, be my inspiration, always

Just for me…babe

‘Coz….I Love You…

My Impression :

This poem is tell about someone who far away from me. Although we never meet each other, I’m sure that he is my inspiration because he always right here beside me… my deepest heart

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